Think you know all there is to know about penis enlargement? Even if you’re something of an expert when it comes to different methods or products, chances are there are some things you may not have realized. Here we’ve rounded up five of the little known facts about enlargement.
1. Enlargement Methods Have Existed For Thousands of Years
Although the male enhancement market is seen as a product of our modern age, the truth is that methods to change the shape of the penis have existed since recorded history. From ancient Egyptians tying weights in order to increase length to complex penis stretching developed in the Middle East, men have always looked for ways to enhance the shape of their penis. In many ways, these ancient methods have helped to shape the current market for male enhancement as Middle Eastern exercises – known as Jelqing – remain popular today and the weights method practiced in ancient Egypt has provided methods still used in traction devices.
2. Enlargement Isn’t Always About Length
Although most penis enlargement products focus on penis length, girth is often a concern for men. While traction and exercises may provide extra inches for those seeking length, men who want a little more girth often turn to vacuum pumps. Vacuum enlargers were the first male enhancement device made commercially available and, since then, they have become the hallmark of most male enhancement companies. Traditionally used for a temporary boost with girth, newer models and employing cutting edge technology to help men develop the ability for thicker erections over time and have become increasingly studied by both armchair researchers as well as clinicians.
3. Some Penis Enlargement Are Backed by Science
As the male enhancement market has become more lucrative and wide spread, clinical researchers have begun to look at the claims, methods and products more carefully. Since sexual health has been linked to greater overall health, finding ways to make sex more satisfying means giving people a better chance at a greater quality of health both mentally and physically. Most recently, researchers have established that under clinical condition, penis enlargement devices which use traction have provided measurable results when used properly and over the course of several weeks. This stamp of approval has given many men the confidence they need to finally take the plunge when it comes to investing in an enlargement device. It has also raised the bar for male enhancement companies all over the country to find newer methods which can make the most of these findings, build on the success and develop the next generation of male enhancement devices.
4. Men Care About Size More Than Women
Study after study shows that women do care a bit about size, but men are much more worried about how they measure up. The reason behind this obsession remains up for debate with some people pointing to movies and entertainment for setting the bar so high while others insist it’s simply the latest form of ‘Keeping up with the Joneses’. Whatever the cause, the result is the same – thousands of men worry about the size of their penis for no reason. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a larger penis and finding ways to safely get the results you want. Just be sure you’re doing it for the right reason. If you suspect the size of your penis is having a negative impact on your partner’s enjoyment, take the leap and ask. Talking about your sex life can help you both perform better in bed and discussing the hot details of your love life also works amazingly well as a form of foreplay.
5. Size Matters … But It’s Not the Only Thing That Matters
Establishing and maintaining an open line of communication about your sex life can be an eye opening experience. One of the biggest surprises many men receive is learning that their partner might not crave extra size – she may instead be looking for kinky role play, sensual massage or any number of fun ways to broaden your sexual horizons. Even when size is an issue, it’s rarely the only one. Many women report wanting more intangible characteristics in their partners, such as increased confidence or a willingness to try new things. Just as often, men find that taking positive steps to improve the way they look, by increasing exercise or using penis enlargement and other male enhancement devices, is the ideal way to gain a new found confidence that quickly translates to charisma between the sheets.