In the past few years, penis enlargers have enjoyed a renewed popularity. This is thanks in large part to a number of studies and trials which were conducted in order
to determine just how effective these devices could be. Researchers found traction style devices could, in fact, result in permanent and healthy gains when used as directed. Since then, more and more men have turned to enlargement devices but many have found they couldn’t recreate the same result. It’s possible these men bought devices that simply weren’t up to par, but another reason could be the cause.
Penis enlargement, like any form of body modification, takes time and effort. It isn’t a quick fix and using penis enlargers requires men to dedicate a substantial amount of time to the process. Simply put, it isn’t a good fit for every guy. So how can you determine if using an enlargement device is right for you? Simple – just answer five easy questions.
Is Size Really the Issue?
A penis enlargement device will accomplish one goal: give you a larger penis. That’s it. It won’t help with technique, it won’t boost your libido and it definitely won’t increase your stamina. In fact, many men report an increase in sensitivity that leads to episodes of premature ejaculation during the process. If your concerns about your sex life have more to do with technique, sex drive or stamina, enlargement won’t do anything for you.
Bigger also doesn’t always mean better. Several studies focused on what women want in a sex partner has revealed that women don’t always opt for the man who appears more endowed. It’s now generally accepted that women are attracted to men who have a penis that is proportional to the rest of his body.
Do You Enjoy Dealing With Details?
Regular measurements are a pivotal part of the enlargement process. Results often aren’t seen for the first 6 to 8 weeks of using a device, so taking careful measurements will ensure you start to see results as soon as they begin to occur. Learn how to measure your penis accurately and consistently so you can keep track on paper or with an online spreadsheet. Many men also choose to use photographs or video to track progress.
How Comfortable Are You With Wearing a Device?
While the usability of penis enlargers has come a long way, they’re still not exactly comfortable to wear. Some devices have been designed to have a discrete profile making it possible for men to wear them under their clothes while they are at work. Others are a bit bulkier but ultimately more comfortable as they are designed to be worn overnight. Learn about different models by checking out reviews on forums and message boards so you can ask actual users about their experience directly.
Can You Commit to the Before and After Work?
Using penis enlargers properly means doing more than simply wearing the device. In order to encourage growth and prevent injury, experts recommend that men massage the penis and surrounding tissue before and after they wear the device. A simple deep tissue massage keeps the tendons and tissues limber, malleable and in a better state for recovery. This process adds roughly 30 to 45 minutes into your daily routine, so it’s something to consider if you already find yourself pressed for time.
Do You Know How to Stay Motivated?
Since results can take a while to appear, motivation is important. Perhaps you’re already used to staying motivated as a part of your body building routine, sports schedule or other activity that requires a level of commitment. But if motivation has never been your strong suit, then you’ll want to have a support system in place. Joining online communities is a popular and effective way for men to stay motivated and get help, advice and support from fellow men.