Penis enlargement isn’t the only beneficial result of penis traction therapy. A curved penis can be a sign of a serious health issue that could get worse with time. Over the past 25 years, Peyronie’s Disease (PD) and its uncomfortable symptoms caused by extreme penile curvature have found their way onto the medical community’s radar in a major way. Because of this, men who may have suffered in silence with this condition long ago are now able to find therapeutic options for their painful and sometimes unsightly PD symptoms.
Knowing what the successful medical treatments are is the first step for anyone seeking support for Peyronie’s Disease. One of those therapeutic treatments – called penis traction – can be life changing for men who want home remedy options which don’t involve surgery.
Breaking the explanation of penis traction therapy down into three simple ABC categories helps Peyronie’s Disease patients and their partners comprehend the benefits of this restorative method.
“A” is for Extreme ARC…and the ACHE that comes with it
The goal of penis traction therapy is to gently and gradually reshape the penis from curved to straight. It’s really as simple as that, but the positive results of this one achievement are many.
The severe curvature or arc of a man’s penis can cause him tremendous discomfort. He can suffer painful erections and even sexual dysfunction. His sexual partners might also experience discomfort due to the extreme curved shape of his penis. Over time, his self-esteem might take a big hit, as well, due to the pain and embarrassment this condition can cause.
The ache that comes with this extreme penile curvature or arc – both physical and emotional – that a man suffers is the reason penis traction has become so popular, especially with men who want options they can try at home. A penis stretcher device, also called a penis extender device, can also be the most comfortable procedure available for this purpose when used as instructed by the manufacturer.
“B” is for BENIGN…the gentle straightening action that doesn’t hurt
Penis traction devices work by slowly and painlessly straightening and lengthening the penis over months of gradually increased traction. Slow therapeutic penis traction treatment encourages new cell growth in the columns of tissue inside the penis to accommodate the benign, gradual stretching action. This pain-free, passive-seeming procedure can be used even while sleeping and, over time and when used correctly, can create a tremendous amount of relief for men with Peyronie’s Disease.
Even if a man’s penis curvature isn’t extreme, he could benefit from the benign (gentle) effects of a penis traction device for straightening and lengthening. Better yet, he is able to manage the amount of penis traction applied to the penis enlargement or penis straightening device for his individual comfort and treatment pace.
“C” is for CONTROL… of his penis traction treatment
Avoiding invasive medical treatments for Peyronie’s Disease, like penile surgery, is just one of the benefits of choosing penis traction methods. One of the biggest advantages is that a man can control the amount of traction used gradually throughout the treatment process, while also using this method in the privacy of his home.
Following the manufacturer’s guidelines for gradual penis traction treatment, a man can adjust his traction device to fit his size and suit his comfort level. If he’s not feeling ready to advance to the next traction level, he can choose to spend another week or two at the current level – easing his body into the straightening and lengthening process at a slower pace.
Straightening extreme penile arc and ache with benign control
Simply put, that’s exactly what the ABC’s of penis traction are all about. Taking advantage of the gentle, gradual stretching force that can create new cell and tissue growth inside the penis for optimal straightening and lengthening. This therapeutic method helps a man discreetly manage his healing process at home, with full control over when, where and how often he uses his penis straightening device of choice.
When used correctly, penis traction devices can help sufferers of Peyronie’s Disease feel more relaxed, more comfortable and more confident in their ability to heal physically and perform sexually. This condition that may have long ago found PD patients suffering in silence is now something men are treating on their own at home with privacy and peace of mind.