Penis Enlargement

Adding Permanent Inches to Your Penis

So you want to make your penis longer, but you don’t want to use something that’s not going to be permanent.  Why, after all, would you want to have a longer penis for only a short period of time?  That’s the problem with a lot of different penis enlargement products: they only work for the short term.  That means you’re going to end up buying and using them forever!  After all, once your partner sees your enlarged penis, do you really think she’s going to be satisfied if it’s suddenly shorter?  Of course not!  That’s where these products get you.  So the secret is to find those products that actually permanently increase your length and girth.

Penis Enlargement Pills and Patches

Penis enlargement pills and patches increase the blood flow to the penis, which does make it longer, increase its girth, and make it harder.  However, the penis can only hold so much blood.  While pills and patches do allow men to reach their full erection size—something most men never do—they don’t actually add any permanent length or girth.  However, you can combine them with other methods that do add length and girth to maximize your size.

Penis Extenders

Penis extenders like the Quick Extender Pro do actually add permanent inches.  Of course, they don’t do it overnight.  You have to use them regularly for a few days before you start to see improvements.  The good news is that once you add a few inches and are happy with the results, you can stop using them.  It’s a one-time investment, and there are no pills or patches to use.

Penis Enlargement Exercises

The penis is similar to a muscle, it can become larger and more toned if you exercise it.  That said, penis exercises have two downsides: you can hurt yourself if you don’t do them correctly, and you have to keep them up.  Just like your arm muscles become weaker if you stop lifting weights, so too will your penis lose its increased size if you stop doing the exercises.

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10 years ago

What kind of exercise and do I need to buy anything or massage with any lubricant
And how often like in a day or week