Most men elect to go through their male enlargement program alone. They want to impress women with their large erections, and they’re also embarrassed by the fact that they have to use a male enlargement product like the Quick Extender Pro. It makes them feel like they were inferior to start with and that they had a small penis. However, doing a male enlargement program on your own puts all the pressure on you. If you start to believe you’re not doing well and not gaining that much length, you might get depressed and stop trying altogether. To that end, sometimes it’s helpful to have your partner help you out.
One important reason for this is that she’s not you and doesn’t have the mindset of having a small penis. She can be objective, and you should ask her to be totally honest with you about the size differences she’s seeing. Using the Quick Extender Pro will add natural length to your penis, but it doesn’t happen overnight. If you keep looking at your penis every day and expecting to see it getting bigger and bigger, you may be disappointed. Part of this is that you see it all the time. If you let her look at your erection once a week or so, she will see the differences that you may not.
It’s also helpful to have someone else do the measuring. You’re seeing your penis from a top-down perspective, and your stomach may be concealing part of it. She can get a different angle and can be sure it’s measured the same way each time, which is very important in seeing how much you’re gaining. Plus, she can also help make sure you’re fully erect, which can lead to some other activities once you’ve been measured.