A slight curve to the penis is a normal part of the human anatomy. In some men, however, the curvature is more pronounced. A curvature to the penis is not always something men worry about but, for some, the curve seems so pronounced that they worry about their partner’s sexual satisfaction.
An extreme curve to the penis is often diagnosed as a type of Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease is a condition where scar tissue or a similar type of tissue, known as plaque, builds up under the surface resulting in bumps, a change in shape and, quite often, a pronounced curvature of the penis. In extreme cases, these physical changes can cause discomfort for men and may even affect their ability to perform or their overall sexual satisfaction.
In most cases, doctors suggest patients use a penis traction device in order to naturally and safely correct the curve. Penis traction is a simple method which essentially uses an enlargement device in order to basically pull the penis back into alignment. This is done by using any penis traction device and slowly, over time, correcting the curve. The process has been used by men all over the world to correct the condition and, in most cases, it’s the most effective method.
But there are times when the curve of the penis is enough to make a man wonder if he should correct it even though it doesn’t actually cause any problems. This typically has more to do with aesthetics than anything else – but is it a good idea?
Curved Penis – Blessing or Curse?
Recently, someone approached the infamous message board site Reddit with a question about having a curved penis. The poster described his condition as having a “large angle of ascent”. He described his penis as “[starting] out at the base at about 45 degrees past the horizon, but also about an inch into the shaft it bend upwards even more and gives me an additional 25-30 degrees. It’s almost to the point where it’s parallel with my torso.”
His question was whether or not this would interfere with sex and if he should consider ways to correct it. The ever helpful community at Reddit immediately began chiming in with their own experiences of either having a curved penis or being with a man who did.
Almost unanimously, Redditors agreed that the kind of curve he was describing was anything but a curse. Comment after comment declared it an almost ideal curve that could stimulate the G-spot for a woman and as having the potential to be amazing during sex. Commenters even began suggesting specific sex positions such as Doggy Style which would best suit his curve.
So are curves always a good thing? Perhaps not. As we said earlier, there are extreme cases where the curve of the penis can actually result in discomfort for a man when he achieves an erection or which are too deep or too much of a curve to make sex enjoyable for each partner. In these cases, penis traction can help. Using a traction device can safely and effect resolve a curve so that the penis has either less of a curve or almost no curve at all.
Ultimately, whether or not to resolve a curve in the penis is a man’s decision. But it’s important for men to understand that not all curves present a problem. If the curve doesn’t cause a man any physical discomfort, he should consider leaving it as is to see if it can actually improve his sexual performance. While most penises aren’t curved a marked amount, those which are can often turn out to be a man’s most effective tool when it comes to giving his partner a night she’ll never forget.