By now you’ve probably heard about all the exciting new penis enlargement products and magic pills that could supposedly enlarge your genitalia and enhance your partners sexual experience. You may have shrugged off most of these advertisements and spam emails believing that something that offers results that good has to be scam, and you’re probably right. Unfortunately, there is no magic pill that alleviate male sexual health concerns and tailor your body to your physical desires; however, there is a product called ‘Quick Extender Pro’ that doesn’t just claim to offer noticeable penis enlargement, but it is backed by medical science and confirmed results.
Quick Extender Pro is a harness-like penis stretcher device consisting of a plastic support ring that sits at the base of the penis, dual-silicone bands that hold the penis in place, and two adjustable rods that will stretch the flaccid penis resulting in size gains. This device affixes to your penis and gradually causes tension on the shaft. The tension results in microscopic tearing, thus forcing your penis to go through a biological cell rejuvenation process known as mitosis and cytokinesis resulting in new tissues and increased length and girth. This is a rather slow process that requires increases tension on the penis stretcher as well as dedication and commitment by you to keep with the schedule and use the product regularly. The average recommended wearing time is around 6-hours a day for 6-months straight.
Research behind penis enlargement using a traction method was initially conducted as a way to determine the benefit of these devices with patients suffering from a disease known as Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease is caused by trauma to the penis which causes internal bleeding inside the sponge-like regions known as the corpus cavernosum; as a result collagen is produced causing scar tissue begins to buildup along the shaft of a penis that will cause painful curvatures during erections. Susceptibility to this disease is believed to be hereditary, and on average one out of every 11 men, or 9%, is suffering from Peyronie’s disease.
The first studies done on penis traction devices and its beneficial properties with those with Peyronie’s disease occurred in 2001 at the European Society for Sexual and Impotence Research (ESSIR). The study consisted of eight men who were instructed to use traction devices for a minimum of 4-hours during a 3-6 month research period. Research resulted in positive results showing that penile traction devices helped reverse shaft curvature as well as increased penis size an average of 0.8-centimetres.
These results were confirmed by additional studies including ones conducted by Dr. Paolo Gontero, Urologist at the University of Torino in Italy, and published in the International Society for Sexual Medicine, as well as the Journal of Sexual Medicine, and Madrid Medical Doctor Moncada-Iribarren; all of these corroborating studies showed participant results ranging from 0.5-1 inch in penis length increase. In one of the studies, conducted on patients who had previously undergone corrective surgery for Peyronie’s disease, only two of the 40 total patients had to end the study early due to pain from the stretching.
Non-surgical penis extenders and enlargement methods minimize risk for long-term sexual deficiencies and possible organ-mutilation that could–and have–occur as a result of complications during surgery. This penis enlargement device has little to no adverse outcomes and is based on your own progression and persistence to the growing process. You set the level of resistance and the amount of time you wish to wear the device, similar to any other physical training program of the body. Many of the pills advertised online and through various retailers have little to no scientific backing and penis suction devices–according to the Mayo Health Clinic–can result in bruising and are potential health hazards to those with diseases like sickle cell anaemia.
Unlike surgical procedures or medical consultations for pills, pumps, and other devices, the Quick Extender Pro has medical standing that distinguishes it apart from sexual cons and gimmicks and offers actual men’s health legitimacy. The design of the device is easy to use and differs from the competitors in the use of dual-silicone bands that prevent bacteria build-up that could result in infection.