Some beliefs, practices and attitudes are specific to one particular culture or another. In the Netherlands, for example, people don’t think twice about visiting a nude beach or even going into Amsterdam to check out the sex-soaked Red Light district. Meanwhile, in America, those same activities would be seen as downright scandalous. While some sexual attitudes and cultures may differ from region to region, one mainstay tends to be a desire to improve the way we look. No matter where we’re from, it seems there is a bustling industry that caters to helping each of us look, feel and perform better sexually. But even in this widespread and common area, one country and its citizens stands out.
Surgery, Enlargement and Nationality
Each year the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) releases information about the countries and nationalities of people who seek out certain treatments. Using data collected from over 1,500 plastic surgeons ISAPS releases information on a number of cosmetic procedures. One of the procedures they ask about now is penile implants, which have become increasingly common over recent years thanks to advancements in techniques which can reduce healing time and have made the procedure less painful overall.
Worldwide, there were 15,414 penile implants reported by the doctors surveyed. Germany weighed in with by far with a whopping 2,786 reported procedures. But they aren’t necessarily all German men. Venezuela and Spain are its closest competition, but even they don’t come close, with each one racking up less than 500 procedures each.
Country | Surgeries Preformed |
Germany | 2,786 |
Venezuela | 473 |
Spain | 471 |
Mexico | 295 |
Colombia | 266 |
Italy | 256 |
Brazil | 219 |
Argentina | 73 |
USA | 61 |
Iran | 12 |
The study examines procedures which take place in each country, not the nationality of each patient. The German Centre for Urology and Phalloplasty is, hands down, the premier centre for this type of surgery and they claim to have performed more than 6,000 enlargement surgeries for local men as well as tourists who come from every part of the world to take advantage of their techniques.
With the increased popularity of surgery, some men are beginning to wonder if they should even bother using penis enlargers or of surgical options will continue to advance to the point where a penis enlargement surgery is as common and simple as a tummy tuck or breast implant. The truth is that no one really know, but experts do believe cosmetic surgery for the penis, called phalloplasty, will continue to advance as men become more involved with their own sexual health and demand better options and more significant results.
For now, however, most men prefer to use penis enlargers since they allow men to handle the issue in the privacy of their own home and the side effects are minimal when compared to surgery. In fact, many men use penis enlargers as a way to see how much they can accomplish on their own before looking into surgical options, though they often need to wait for a few months or up to a year in order to allow the tissues to fully heal. Whether men choose one approach or a combination of several treatments, they’ve made themselves clear. There is a real and significant market for phalloplasty and many doctors are eager to help.
Chances are that surgical options won’t dethrone penis enlargers as the go to solution for problems of size any time soon. But its growing popularity does mean that many companies, doctors and researchers will continue to find ways to develop the techniques and devices that men have made it clear they want.