Working on increasing the size of your erection takes some time and some doing, but it’s not impossible. Products like the Quick Extender Pro do actually work, and you will see an increase over time. However, unless you measure regularly and keep a record of your progress, you may not realize you’re gaining length. That’s because the Quick Extender Pro won’t suddenly give you three or four inches—it’s a gradual progress. Measuring regularly (but not every day) will help you see the progress you’re making and keep you motivated.
To record your progress, you only need three tools: a pen, a notebook, and a ruler or tape measure. The trick to measuring correctly is to always measure the same way. You’ll want to be fully erect, of course, so be sure you are before you measure. You want to measure your erection from the base of the penis to the tip. Be sure you hold the ruler the same way each time. In fact, even try to sit the same way and in the same place. Any change can lead to your measurement being off a bit, and that can throw off everything.
Another way of recording your progress is to take pictures each time. You can use this visual aid to see just how much you’ve gained. Again, being consistent with your pose, angle, etc. is very important. Be sure to measure, too, because it can be difficult to see small changes.
It’s important to be realistic when looking at your progress. The change from week to week may not seem to be that big, but the Quick Extender Pro will add more length to your penis. There is no miracle product, just one that truly works.