In your search for the perfect male enlargement product, you may have come across mention of Male Enlargement Underwear. That sounds perfect, doesn’t it? All you have to do is put on your underwear in the morning, and you’ll have a bigger penis! Well, unfortunately, it’s not that easy. In fact, these enlarging underwear don’t exactly do much for you in the bedroom. They’re more of a tease and a tool to use to get a woman into the bed than they are a male enlargement tool like the Quick Extender Pro.
So what do these “Male Enlargement Underwear” do? They’re basically like the Wonder Bra for men. They make the bulge in your pants look larger, so anyone who checks you out will think you’ve got a bigger penis than what you really have. Unfortunately, you can guess what happens in the bedroom. That extra bulge goes away, and you’re left looking, well, somewhat smaller than she believed you were! That can lead to disappointment at best and the woman walking out at worst!
Instead of using something that only fakes an increase in penis size, why not purchase an enlargement device that truly increases your penis size? One option is a penis extender like the Quick Extender Pro. It will actually increase the size of your penis by creating small micro-tears in the shaft. These tears are painless. However, when they are created, the body reacts by making new cells to fill them in. These new cells create new length over time. While it’s true that the Quick Extender Pro doesn’t immediately make you larger, it’s also true that when it does add length, that length is permanent. You’ll never lose it, even if you quit using the device.
So which is better? Wearing underwear that makes you look larger or actually being larger? The answer seems pretty obvious. Get a Quick Extender Pro and add on some inches!
yay, you have a good website man, damn!