The art of penis enlargement is nothing new. Men have been trying various ways to lengthen and change the look of their penis since recorded history. There are records dating as far back as ancient Egyptian times which describe various ways to lengthen the penis. Men in the Middle East have practised a set of exercises and stretches called Jelqing in order to alter the shape of the penis. It’s an art which has been handed down from generation to generation and dates back more than 1,000 years.
Generally, penis extenders work on the same scientific principles that have for generations – traction and gentle stretching. Although the way these devices work hasn’t changed much over the years, how they accomplish the job has evolved. Mainly this has come in the form of user comfort as well as easy ways for men to adjust the tension, use the device more effectively and measure their results. Since these devices need to be worn for several hours, many men have found it easier to wear them overnight as they sleep or even under their clothes during their normal workday routine. With older models, their bulky design may have made this difficult, if not impossible.
A Brief History of Penis Enlargement Devices
Although methods to enlarge the penis have been around for generations, commercially available devices have been around since the late 1800s. There were some devices people could find here and there but Otto Ledever took the industry to the next level when he patented his first vacuum pump in the early 1900s. Options for using traction as a method for penis enlargement came later and were born out of the successful use of traction in other areas of medicine. Devices that worked on the principle of traction were originally developed as a non-surgical treatment for men with Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease is a condition that results in cords and growths in the shaft of the penis which can cause it to bend or become painful. Traction has worked to help man men with that condition and experts later found that using traction could also help men who simply wanted to add some length to their penis.
As with any new device, early penis enlargement devices were clunky, difficult to use and sometimes uncomfortable. As these products went through different versions, more and more companies began to focus on the comfort of the wearer as well as finding ways to help encourage the best results. Since good results often depend on how long and regularly the devices are used, comfort was key.
Today, both vacuum pumps and tension devices are designed to offer comfort. Traction devices in particular, have seen major changes in how the devices work and how they are worn. Early models were clunky and could be seen under clothing but there are now models which can be worn all day underneath normal work clothes and never be detected Others are designed to be worn over night and have been fitted with features that make them comfortable enough to wear while asleep but solid enough not to slip out of place during normal movements while asleep.
Devices for penis enlargement aren’t new, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t changed over the years. Since many early devices didn’t offer much in terms of comfort, results were spotty at best, and many people came to believe the devices themselves simply didn’t work. However, research found that they key to their success is being able to wear them for extended periods of time on a regular basis. Today’s enlargement options include devices designed to be comfortable and discrete, making them easier to wear for longer period of time. As a result, more and more men have found they can enjoy great success in using these devices in order to get the length and shape they want.