Once men have gone through the process of researching enlargement methods and choosing the method or device they feel will work for them, they often feel as though they know what to expect. Of course, the biggest expectation has to do with size, but penis enlargement brings with it a number of side effects you may not have considered before embarking on the process. Here we’ve rounded up three major side effects you’ll need to understand and work with in order to ensure your penis enlargement is truly successful.
Finding a New Position
When you change the shape or appearance of any body part, it can create issues with positions you may have been comfortable with before but which now simply don’t fit right. Much like needing to readjust your car seat after losing weight, finding a more comfortable position for sex is often necessary after penis enlargement. Many men use special positions in order to give them a greater ability to thrust deeply when they have concerns about size and, once enlargement has happened, sometimes these positions are no longer comfortable – or necessary. Investing in instructional DVDs, books or even working with a couples sex therapist can help men and their partners find new positions and expand their sexual horizons. Working on new positions can be awkward at first, and not everything you try will work the first time. While this can initially feel strange and awkward, it helps you to bond with your partner and makes sex an act of exploration you can experience together. Approach it with an open mind and a willingness to talk about what you like or don’t like and it can transform your sex life.
Dealing With the Process
Let’s be straight about this – penis enlargement takes time. The science behind effective enlargement is consistent pressure over the course of several weeks or even months. It’s a major time commitment and one men should be absolutely clear on when evaluating various devices. In addition to wearing the device routinely, men are also advised to warm up the tissue with a warm cloth steam and massage before they attach the device and again once they have taken it off. This helps the tissue’s overall elasticity and can help mitigate some common side effects, such as general aches and tenderness. While this time commitment can be somewhat overwhelming at first, taking the time to understand exactly what you’ll need to do will help you comfortably rearrange your schedule.
Increased Sensitivity
One of the common side effects to penis enlargement is increased sensitivity either during the process of lengthening or immediately after. For most men, this particular side effect lessens over time. The increase in sensitivity can be nice, adding heightened response to any sexual contact. At the same time, it can bring about issues with early ejaculation. While this problem may be sporadic, if it continues to happen during the lengthening process, simple Do It Yourself treatment options have proven effective. Topical creams which partially numb the penis can be applied in order to lessen sensitivity. Therapies involving controlled masturbation can also be effective as can some pharmaceutical or herbal remedies. Typically, the increase insensitivity lessens once you have finished using the enlargement device or even as your body adjusts during the process.
There are many men who want to improve the size or shape of their penis. Thanks to a variety of breakthroughs, today’s enlargement device options are more effective, affordable and accessible than at any other point in history. While the results are amazing, the commitment of going through the penis enlargement process is a serious one. Although the end goal is for it to enhance your sex life, it can have side effects which need to be considered during the lengthening process. Taking the time to plan for these side effects will go a long way to ensuring your enlargement doesn’t get in the way of a good time.