The world of penile enlargement is one that hasn’t received much attention over the years. For a long time, male enlargement devices were spoken of only in hushed tones and men who bought the products did so in secret, by mail order and typically without discussing their purchases. The dawn of internet shopping, the ability to post reviews and experiences online anonymously and a more open approach to sexuality have all changed that and now penis enlargement devices and methods are now commonly discussed. Here we’ll break down the history and impact of these devices to better understand not only how far we’ve come but what lies ahead.
1917 – The year Otto Ledever patented the first penis enlargement device, a vacuum pump that improved girth. Ledever’s patent marked the first time a male enhancement device would be made commercially available to the public. Although devices such as this were considered taboo, it was a commercial success and is considered to be the birth of the male enhancement industry.
5.5 – 7 – The length, in inches, of the average male penis, when erect. An overwhelming majority of the male population falls into this category, with estimates ranging that it account for 85 – 90% of the world’s male population.
67% – In a poll conducted by Durex condoms, 67% of women reported they were personally not satisfied with the size of their partner’s penis. Women reported wishing that their partner was longer, thicker or, in some cases, both.
3 – The length, in inches, a penis has to be under when erect in order for a medical diagnosis of micropenis.
13,800 – The number of US Patents held, as of 2014, that relate to the enlargement of the penis. Many of these patents are for medical devices though a growing number are for improvements on penile implants for the growing field of cosmetic surgery.
1954 – The year Ludwig Lenz published ‘Memoirs of a Sexologist’ in which he described penile augmentation surgeries as early as the 1920s.
$5,000 – $10,000 – The cost of penis enlargement surgery. Prices vary depending on the doctor as well as how difficult the surgery will be. Lengthening surgery tends to cost more than surgery to improve girth.
With the number of men – and their partners – who remain dissatisfied with their current size, it’s easy to see why the male enhancement industry has grown so much. While surgical options remains fraught with complications and cost, newer penis enlargement devices continue to crop up in the market. Most of these devices use techniques and scientific principles which have been successfully used for generations.
662 – The number of books listed on Amazon as of 2014 relating to various techniques to help increase penis size.
1,000 – Number of years (at least) the art of Jelqing is believed to have existed. Although early records are scarce, the practice of stretching the penis over time by hand, called Jelqing, is thought to have originated thousands of years ago, most likely in the Middle East. Even today, many modern penis enlargement exercise programs are based on traditional Jelqing exercises.
2008 – The year a ground-breaking study in Britain determined that men who used traction penis enlargement gained measurable results within a few months. This marked one of the first and most well respected clinical studies of this long standing male enhancement device.
As the world of male sexual enhancement has evolved along with the public’s view of sexuality, people have become more willing to discuss their own feeling about penis size more openly. Although medical literature does not offer a lot of historical insight into the role of size in sexual pleasure, newer research continues to delve into the age old question about whether or not size matters. Some would argue, however, that the enduring popularity and interest in devices such as penis traction, extenders and pumps proves that size does play a crucial role in sexual satisfaction. While the debate may continue to rage on, the male enhancement industry continues to develop the next generation of enlargement devices which aim to build on past successes and deliver better results in less time.