These days if you want to learn about anything there’s probably a YouTube video for it. From making your own butter to building an entire house, the people of the Internet rush to create videos and vlogs to walk you through everything step by step. So it should come as no surprise to learn there are a number of videos dedicated to all natural penis enlargement. Are these things for real? We took a look at their methods to find out.
“The Ultimate Stretcher”
This method is described in a number of videos and consists of a simple stretching routine.
Grasping the head firmly (but not too firmly), men pull and hold their penis so they feel a strong – but reportedly painless – stretch all along the connective tissues of the penile shaft. This position is held for between 10 and 30 seconds before relaxing and repeating.
This routine is one of the most popular on YouTube. There are several different versions of this basic routine – some which call the user to pull in different directions and for specific repetitions set up as sets to be done in a specific order (i.e., two reps of 10 second holds, three reps of 20 second holds, five reps of 10 second holds, etc.).
Most of the time the video hosts will tell viewers the exercises must be done for a certain amount of time overall. It’s usually for between 10 and 20 minutes per day and that it should be done each and every day, no matter what. At first 10 or 20 minutes a day doesn’t sound like much but when you consider you’ll be stretching your dick that entire time, it suddenly feels a whole lot longer.
So, potential discomfort aside, will they work if guys actually follow them?
The fact is, every one of these How To videos isn’t showing men anything new. They all have developed their routines on the ancient practices of penis enlargement that men have been using for centuries.
Traditionally, the practice is known as Jelqing and is thought to have developed in the Middle East during ancient times. Generations of men taught each other how to elongate the penis through complex stretching exercises and even tying weights to the end of their penis. It may sound a bit crazy but these were the foundation upon which modern male enhancement products have been based. Traction style penis enlargement devices, for example, use the same basic methodology as these ancient practices.
By gently stretching the penis for a long time and over a long period of time, the tissues are literally stretched. The trick is to undergo the process slowly in order to avoid injury and to ensure the gains are permanent. Back in the day that meant complex stretches like the ones we find in videos today. But today’s men usually want something a bit more hands off since people have tight schedules and few have time to spend 20 – 30 minutes a day messing around with their genitals.
That’s why traction penis enlargement devices have become so popular. They recreate the proven act of stretching, but in a way where men are free to take care of other things. Some men do combine the use of penis enlargement devices and stretching, though this heightens the risk for injury and isn’t generally recommended.
So, at the end of the day, the videos you find on YouTube could very well work if you have the time and patience to go through the exercises every single day. But if carving out that much time on the daily is a concern, then you may want to consider using a traction device. They can deliver the same tried and true results without needing as much “hands on” time.