Sexual performance enhancers have become pretty cutting edge. Products, supplements and even fitness routines are built around the latest research and new findings about healthcare. Although today’s male enhancement market takes full advantage of technological breakthroughs, the market itself is thousands of years old. Male enhancement and penis enlargement techniques and products have been traded, bought and sold since the earliest times. Here’s we’ve compiled a short list of this industry’s long history.
1400 BC – The study of human sexuality stretches back thousands of years. References in the ancient epic poems Ramayana and Mahabharata establish mutual satisfaction as one of the hallmarks of healthy sexual relations. These epics also establish ideals for both the husband and wife with regards to sexual relations. Each epic poem became part of the foundation of Indian culture.
400 BC to 200 CE – Historians believe the most famous piece of erotic literature ever was written during this time. The Kama Sutra has not only inspired generations of lovers, it sets the bar high for even the most adventurous people today. Some of the advice may be outdated – when was the last time you wondered how to deal with your cortesan? – it still offers the best advice in terms of sexual positions that will blow you away and some that can help you achieve better thrusts, deeper penetration and improved stamina. It also features advice on the ideal sexual mate, including some dubious advice about using wasp stings for penis enlargement.
5th to 7th Century – The origins of the ancient Middle Eastern art of Jelqing are shrouded in mystery. Very little data exists about how or when it was developed, though most sources indicate the practice has been evolving for thousands of years. Jelqing is one of the oldest methods still used for penis enlargement and it continues to be used by many men today. The series of warm-up routines, stretches and exercises to improve elasticity have become popular with many men who have been more than happy to share their results.
1917 – Otto Ledever introduces the first commercially available penis pump. Ledever’s invention, a simple vacuum pump to increase girth, became a huge hit with men all over the country. In time, his introduction of the original penis pump would launch an entire industry centered around male sexual enhancement. Although his invention focused only on vacuum pumps for girth, within a few years, traction devices also began to appear.
Since 1917, the field of male enhancement has grown by leaps and bounds. As of 2014, a search for ‘penis enlargement’ online yields more than 3 million results. Today, there are dozens of enlargement products for men to choose from, including traction devices, pumps, creams, supplements and exercise routines. The scientific community has become increasingly interested in this field as well. In 2011, one team made international headlines when they established that using a traction device could yield real results over time. The team, working in Italy, found that subjects gained between 0.67 – 0.9 inches of length after using specific devices over time. Other researchers have had similar findings and many men have come forward with their own DIY research findings. These studies have inspired legions of men to begin their own experiments, many times posting their methods, notes and results online.
Penis enlargement has inspired a number of inventions as well as an entire field of study. Men have been concerned over penis size since the beginning of recorded history and it appears to be hardwired as a part of our human nature. Although wanting to achieve greater length or girth is a normal desire, going about it the wrong way can result in serious injuries. Instead, men are advised to take a deep breath and learn from the rich and full history of various penis enlargement methods from around the world. Using modern techniques built upon these established methods means men can get the benefit of modern technology with the reassurance of tried and true methodology.