Making the decision to modify your body is a big decision. Penis enlargement is a niche area of body modification that has become more popular in the past few years but it can still be difficult for men to take the plunge. Buying a penis enlarger is, to be fair, not always a straight forward endeavour. That’s why we’ve gathered the biggest reasons why men put off penis enlargement and how you can resolve them in order to begin enlarging today.
Do I Need a Traction Device or a Vacuum Pump?
The first step you need to take once you decide to enlarge your penis is to know what you need. While there are dozens of different models to choose from, essentially there are just two types of penis enlargers – traction devices and vacuum pumps. So what’s the difference? Vacuum pumps deliver gains in terms of girth – and the results are nearly instantaneous. You can use a pump right before you want to be bigger and the extra girth lasts for a few hours. Traction devices, on the other hand, focus on enlargement through length. Using a traction device takes longer to deliver results but the gains in length are permanent. Traction devices are also used to correct any over-curvature of the penis, sometimes referred to as Peyronie’s Disease if the condition is advanced enough.
There Are Too Many Options
Recent studies focused on penis enlargement have grown the male enhancement industry by leaps and bounds. There are so many options now when it comes to enlargement devices that it’s natural to feel a bit overwhelmed at first. Once you know what kind of device you need in order to achieve your goals, you can start looking at specific models. The best way to do this is to look up penis enlargement reviews hosted on third party retail sites or male enhancement forums. That way, you’ll know you’re getting a fair and honest review which makes it easier to rule a device out or move it to your shortlist.
How Can I Fit Enlargement Into My Schedule?
Any type of body modification takes time and energy but this is something many men overlook when it comes to penis enlargement. The fact is that penis enlargers need to be worn for several hours a day, every day, over the course of several weeks before results can even be measured. Many users report having to wear the device regularly for around two full months before they see any significant growth and in order to achieve their growth goals, the device may need to be worn for many months. Some models are designed with a discrete profile and can be worn during the day under your clothes. Other models may be a bit bulkier but they have extra comfort making them easy to wear overnight while you’re asleep. Consider which option will be best for your schedule and lifestyle in order to find a model that will be a good fit.
What if Something Goes Wrong?
When men use penis enlargers they don’t often have someone to talk to about the challenges they may face. But this isn’t something men have to feel like they are doing all alone. There are many different websites, forums, groups and message boards dedicated to male enhancement. Join a few and read through previous posts and current threads to find a community you feel at home with and then jump right in and become a part of the conversation. Make the most of the experience and expertise on these websites and you’ll have plenty of people to help you navigate questions to determine if the process is working well. Of course, if you ever feel like you may have injured yourself while using a device, you shouldn’t hesitate about seeking medical help right away.