- Chris - Ipswich, AU

Thank you for the fast shipping. I sent the delivery to my office and as you told me over the phone, there was no description on the box. I wanted to let Paul from customer service know that I followed his advice and only wear the device in the morning at my desk. Paul, if you are reading this, you were right. It feels very comfortable and no one know that it’s under my pants. Terrific support and speedy service. I’ll be sending you an update in the next few months.
- Lloyd - QLD, AU

Dear Customer Service, thank you for guiding me in the right direction and choosing the Value package. I have been using the device for 4 months and for someone with micropenis, I almost gave up all hope in having a normal sex life. I put on just over 1 ½ inch in size. I can officially say I’m finally able to penetrate my wife and because I feel so much more confident in bed, my orgasm have been the most powerful I’ve ever had in my life. I don’t know what to say because thank you feels like it’s not enough. But a huge thank you for a great product.
- Michael - TX, USA

Even though there isn’t a fancy white box you still get the carrying case. It’s enough to fit the whole device and accessories when I travel. I am able to wear the device easily for hours a day. It’s true, the DSS system really adds to the overall comfort of the extender and being so lightweight, it easy to forget you are wearing it sometimes. In the first few weeks I’ve noticed my erections are much harder and they appear much faster. I can already feel the increased blood flow from the stretching and the effect on my erection is huge. I’m super happy with the Value package and I glad its easy to buy accessories from your site when needed. Looking forward to the results in a few months from now! Thanks for the fast shipping.
- Christopher - MI, USA

On the surface you would think I had a perfect life; Great job, nice house, sports car and 2 amazing kids. But beneath the surface I held a secret that literally taunted me my entire life, I had a micropenis. Deep down I felt half a man and walked around with a fake smile to show the world I was normal. My wife never complained about the size of my penis, but it was never about her. Buying the Value edition was about making myself feel better, about trying to get back to normal. The Quick Extender Pro Value edition did not disappoint. It was by far painless, more comfortable and safer than any surgery I could have ever paid for. Getting 1 inch extra is for me is like climbing Mount Everest. It took me 2 ½ months but every second was worth it. I plan on wearing the device indefinitely and see how far I can take it. Thank you so much.
- Aaron - Essex, UK

Having a small penis makes me ashamed of myself and I feel that getting something to help me with that is even worse. That’s why I wanted to make sure that no one knew what I bought. They assured me that the statement on my credit card would be written to a company name with no relation to the product and that it would come in a discreet packaging. It came in a brown box that had no name on it, so no one could have been able to tell what was inside. Very happy with the way they run things.
- Jake, Alberta - Canada

Even if you are on a tight budget, in my opinion the value edition is not a budget device. You get the exact same DSS device that’s available in all the other packages and you just get fewer accessories. I calculated my size and what I needed and the Value edition had all the parts I needed. Without going into many details, I’m under 7 inches and I don’t want to be 8 inches so this package was the right fit. If anyone is looking at getting this device, you should know it does come assembled so you don’t have to mess around trying to get it put together. Overall, no complaints and happy with my purchase. Thanks.
- Bobby – TX, USA

A basic system that does what it says. Got me from 3 inches to 4.2 in just 4 months. My wife loves it and so that’s good enough for me. Thanks
- Phil - NM, USA

So I pulled the trigger on your package and even though the pictures make it look a little light compared to the others it had all I really needed anyway. The silicone tubes and foam padding are thick and pretty tough. I’ve used my device every day for 4 months and there is no sign any of the padding is wearing out. Your rep told me on me on the phone I would only need more if they broke or if I lost it so being on a budget I took good care of my device to make sure I don’t have to buy anything and I can tell from the way things are going, I won’t be spending any more money soon. This little package is solid and easy to use. Thanks guys for all the great advice whenever I call.
- Seth - Vancouver, Canada

My wife bought me this product for my birthday. I never knew my small size bothered her, but I’m happy she found a way to make it better. Even though it was their cheapest edition, I have been getting real results that I don’t think you can get from others. I was about 4.5 inches erect 3 months ago and now I just got over the 6.4 inch point. I’m happy and my wife is happy.
- Jose – NM, USA

The value edition is not a cheaper system. If you don’t have enough money now and want a bigger dick, get this and buy whatever you need after. These guys give upgrades so you can get whatever you need later on. That’s what I did. I would recommend.
- Amir - Jordan

I shipped this from the US to the Middle East and it took 7 days to get here. Thank you my friends for the fast delivery and I did not have trouble at customs. My order was good and the package is very nice. Thank you
- Mr. Ropper – FL, USA

I shouldn’t have bought the Value edition. I didn’t pay attention to the reviews properly because this device was too small for me. I should have bought the Limited Edition but I was cheap. It’s not these guys fault, my bad but still someone’s got to be responsible and it won’t be me. Do I recommend, nope, go for the Limited Edition instead and do your research.
- Moishe – Tel Aviv

This extender is very easy to use and I started to notice results after 1 week. It opens and closes very smoothly and I think the quality is very good. The size is perfect for me, I’m 2 inches flaccid and I didn’t have any problem getting it to fit. I also bought some extra strong springs and they both shipped to my house very fast. Thanks.
- Harold - CA, USA

I needed to get an affordable name brand extender and none of the other companies were offering a starter device that I could afford. The Quick Extender Value was by far the best available kit including all the features I require to choose if traction is right for me. It has been great and the flexibility to keep up with spare parts is perfect for my needs.
- Gabe - Maryland, USA

I don’t mind paying for quality, I like to get my money’s worth. The Quick Extender Pro is well made and from quality materials. Excellent price for their device with enough accessories to begin getting the most out of your penis size.
- Murat - Istanbul

I made the right choice to get a Value Deluxe edition. Shipping was secure and discreet with no identification of the contents. Customer services answers questions I had to operate the device smoothly.
- Jim – Louisiana, USA

This product is simple and uncomplicated. Quick instructions, quick to put on, quick to work. Highly recommended. No pain or strange procedures, and I can wear it at the desk and around the house. Not good to wear for labor, but there’s plenty of time to use it otherwise. The price is right and if you need more customer service will take your order for more parts. Almost 2 inches and still growing after 4 months. Great buy.
- Matt - Virginia, USA

Size is a problem in my relationships and using this Quick Extender Value edition has helped me big time. I’m growing every month and it’s given me confidence that will only continue. I know now I am not stuck with what I have, and it is well worth the price. I would go back and probably buy the Standard Deluxe Edition for the stronger tension and extra spares.
- Sam - Texas, USA

Product works great. Already seeing almost an inch in the first couple months! I wondered if there would be less effectiveness if I ordered the cheaper budget edition, but the size increased fast. Now I am looking at getting some extension bars so I can keep growing the rest of the year. Glad to say the shipping was very discreet, unmarked package you could never tell what is inside. Everything came in good order, very clear and like I said, good growth so far.